Mama, It’s Okay to Grieve the Choices You Didn’t Get to Make
Breast or Bottle Co-Sleeping, Bassinet, or Crib Your room or Nursery Purées, BLW, or Both Stay home or daycare Cry it out or pick up and hold Scheduled c-section, induction, natural, VBAC, etc. Home birth or hospital birth These are just a fraction of the choices new moms are faced with just in the very beginning. I’ll stop listing because let’s be real, when it’s all written down and we realize all the decisions we are going to be making, things get overwhelming. Some of these choices are huge and for some of them, both options are equally acceptable. It depends on the mom. One thing that I think is universal though, is that as our baby’s mom, WE get to make those choices. That’s something that is important to every mom. So what happens when life takes away our choice? The budget dictates you stay home, but you really miss your job. Health reasons mean that your baby will be bottle fed from day one when you so badly wanted to breastfeed. That’s hard. How often when th...