In the fog

New parent sleep deprivation is something that’s hard to understand until you’ve lived it. Even I didn’t even really understand it until I had my second child and I got that dreaded diagnosis, “your baby has colic.” Our doctor didn’t want to say it anymore than we wanted to hear it because we both knew it wasn’t an answer to our problem.

I was recently ready a blog post from TwentySomething about her journey through the medical system and how in the end she realized the medical system wasn’t going to fight for her, she had to press on until she found the correct diagnosis, the right answer. It inspired me to look past this diagnosis for my own little one because “colic” is basically cranky baby according to the medical field. It’s a “we don’t know what’s wrong but hopefully it will pass” answer and I refuse to accept it. Babies don’t scream for multiple (14) hours at a time.

They just don’t.

My baby was in pain and I needed a fix, not a bandaid. My husband and I hadn’t slept in 8 weeks other than a handful of nights, we were being screamed at constantly, and ultimately we were finding it hard to love our girl the way she deserved. Terrible I know right?

Here’s the thing, she’s a newborn. Her body is new and fresh and untainted with all of the things we tend to fill our bodies with. I filled her prescription for reflux medicine because obviously she was in pain, but I continued searching for the long term solution to her screaming because medication just isn’t my first choice.

She did have reflux and advice from good friends led us to that realization, but the cause of the reflux was what we needed to know. Then I was reminded of another resource at our disposal, our chiropractor.

I don’t know why I hadn’t gone there first! With our firstborn when we were on the brink of surgery to have tubes placed in her ears it was chiropractic care that completely stopped her reoccurring ear infections. Chiropractic and probiotics of course.

I’m happy to say that the exact same solution is resolving our second daughter’s colic. What’s on the inside matters. A happy tummy is a happy baby. So while the probiotics from evivo are taking care of her digestive system and giving her a good head start, our chiropractor is taking care of the misalignments caused from delivery. It turns out the reflux was caused by her C1 pressing on the nerve leading to her stomach. What’s going on inside matters and what I put in her body is important to me. So while our pediatrician was fantastic and did help us with a temporary solution, ultimately it was the wholistic approach from our chiropractor that helped us find the underlying issue.

Now we can focus on sleeping, *hopefully.*

Until then though, to all of the mommies who feel like they can’t hold a conversation and want nothing more in life than to sleep, we’re in this together! Trust your instincts always, and keep fighting for what you know is best for your littles.


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